Deprogramming Narcissism

If there is one thing worse than a narcissistic leader it is an organization that follows his or her lead. The narcissistic leader easily infects others. The toxicity of just one person cannot be underestimated. Arrogance, self-centeredness, and self absorption can easily spread through the ranks like a wildfire.  What we have learned from the research of organizations is that individual narcissism does not happen overnight. In fact, it is years in the making.

In the formative years of childhood we teach our children the concept of sharing, getting along with others, encouraging each other through sports teams, etc. Over the years things tend to change for some individuals if not held in check. Certainly, excellence in school work and taking pride in one’s personal achievements are good things but when one hits the ground running in the world of work somehow pride becomes perverted to narcissism with behaviors that are usually learned early on. Ambition at all costs becomes the rule and an end justifies the means mentality dominates narcissistic thinking. Remember, to the narcissist anything or any behavior can be rationalized no matter what or who it costs.

To the corporate executive giving false information to shareholders is okay in the long run to maintain corporate stability through hard economic times.  The police chief targeting a union president for any internal investigation and discipline is “just doing his job” in his own eyes. A church directional leader falsifying attendance numbers, supporting a for profit entity with church donations, and establishing his own off shore accounts does so because he or she has a delusional self image of being a smart and savvy business person who needs affirmation like an addict needs drugs. The middle and upper management followers who support these types of people tend to mirror that thinking. This is an ancillary tragedy to narcissistic leadership.

The lists in private business, public service, and church world can go on an on with examples of narcissistic behaviors and leaders who are not only toxic but predatory as well. Once caught and fired, if not indicted, they tend to go on to a different area plying their skills elsewhere.  The sad part is they get ever more skillful at their craft. They get better at maneuvering finances, typically the life blood of most narcissists that goes along with the affirmation.

The question remains can narcissism be cured? As with any mental dysfunction the chances for successful deprogramming are greater the earlier it is detected, however, the true narcissist has worked on perfecting this dysfunction for decades. Nothing will happen overnight. Psychotherapy and ongoing counseling are the usual methods for treatment but narcissism is not only a mental issue it is a heart issue as well and therein lies the true challenge.

About ronharperleadership

Ron Harper has been a student of management and leadership most of his life. He is a consultant of management and leadership for companies, colleges/universities, and public administrations. He has a BA in Liberal Arts and MS in Public Admininstration from DePaul University. Ron has published many articles on management, leadership, and supervision and has spoken around the country on the topics of management and leadership. Ron has been recognized for his academic teaching excellence and has been a keynote speaker for several conferences. Outside the realm of teaching and speaking Ron holds a commercial pilot's license, instrument and seaplane rating. He was trained at The Second City and Improv Olympic in Chicago and for three years did improv shows around the Chicago area. He has completed nine marathons and six triathlons. He is always in training for something.
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